Smoothing Out Long-Form Content and Legacy Storage Migration

May 2, 2023

Hey there, fellow adventurers!

We've got a small but essential update for you that we wanted to share.

Yesterday, we introduced an update that had a slight hiccup, but no worries – we've fixed it! This update changes how Saga handles long-form content for a more user-friendly and efficient experience.

Introducing Tokenization for Long-Form Content

With this fix, Saga will now tokenize, check, and reduce user input until it matches [model_limit minus next_completion]. This ensures that your content is processed efficiently without losing any of its meaning or essence. Plus, the system will take your Gist preferences into account and use them accordingly. If you've disabled gists, Saga will ignore them altogether.

And don't worry, Saga will always fully include the system prompt and author's note, so you won't miss any essential details.

New Tool for Migrating Legacy Storage to the Updated Version

In addition to improving long-form content handling, we've also released a tool to help you migrate your legacy storage to the new version of Saga. This is particularly useful if you're having trouble accessing Saga and encountering a client-side error or exception. If you see the "open your browser console..." message, this tool is for you!

To use this migration tool, simply follow the instructions provided. It will guide you through the process of transferring your data from the older version of Saga to the new one, ensuring a smooth transition and minimal disruption.

Find the tool here:

Another couple of updates:
We've tripled the World and Character prompt limits in Saga, giving you even more room for creativity and immersion in your AI text RPG adventures.

Now you can quickly tweak Character and World prompts in the Context Inspector without affecting the source. And if you change your mind, you can always reset them to their original state. Enjoy!

Stay tuned for more updates and improvements, and as always, happy adventuring! 💛

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