Saga's Latest Updates and Enhanced RPG Features

Jun 6, 2023

Image presenting Saga's update
Image presenting Saga's update
Image presenting Saga's update

Hey there, fellow adventurers!

Welcome to another Saga Blog post, where we bring you the latest updates on all things Saga - AI text RPG platform!

New Domain, Landing Page, and Blog

Saga has a new home - visit us at `` and check out our inviting landing page introducing the app to newcomers. Plus, we've added a blog to share updates and interesting behind-the-scenes info.

Improved Storage

We've upgraded Saga's local storage, allowing you to save even more stories.

Chronicles: A New Narrative Element

Pieces of stories written by adventurers who came before. A new section that joins Worlds and Characters hosting System Prompts which can include replaceable _variables__CharName_, _CharPrompt_, _WorldTitle_, _WorldDesc_

Customisable Display Names

You can now optionally set a display name for Worlds and Characters that will be used in the Scene drawer to better organise characters that might have the same name, or if you want to set a name that’s different from the one that should be sent to the AI.

Quick Name Edits

Revise World Titles and Character Names swiftly with the Context Inspector. You can modify components of any available character or world while retaining the bits you love.

Shred Saga and Forced Perspective

Tired of redoing entire stories? Shred Saga cuts the excess and helps you explore alternate paths without losing everything. Plus, we're testing forced narration perspectives to ensure a consistent narrative experience.

Remember Last Saga and Increased Custom Prompt Size

Saga now recalls your last opened conversation or free-form instance even after refreshing the tab.
To provide more freedom with the introduction of Chronicles, the new Custom Prompt limit is 7000 characters, it’s massive! Compared to what we had before (2400), the limit was almost tripled, that equates to roughly ~1900 tokens.

Additional Enhancements and Fixes

We've made numerous small tweaks and fixes, boosting the retry limits, refining Gist preferences, ensuring the proper API model presets, and more!

Amazing Numbers and Future Plans

We're excited to announce that we've reached 1k users in just one month!
Stay tuned for our upcoming features, including Custom API endpoints, Index, long-term memory, and these:

- Cloud Storage

- Multiple message deletion options

- LangChain integration

- UX improvements

- In-app character & world creation assistance

So, there you have it – your next Saga adventure awaits, now full of new features and enhancements to make your text RPG experience even better.
Enjoy exploring the worlds of Saga, and happy adventuring! 💛

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