Discover the Latest Features in Saga: AI21Labs, Worlds & Characters Editing, and More!

Apr 21, 2023

Image saying Update - New Model
Image saying Update - New Model
Image saying Update - New Model

Hey there, fellow adventurers!

Are you ready to embark on even more thrilling adventures in Saga - AI Text RPG? We have some exciting news! Our latest update brings you a host of new features that will make your text RPG experience even more immersive and enjoyable. From alternative AI models to character and world editing, we have it all covered. Let's dive right in!

AI21Labs: New AI Models on the Horizon

We've now integrated an alternative suite of Jurassic-2 AI models by AI21Labs, which you can test within Saga. It's as simple as toggling it on the intro screen or in the Saga drawer on the right. Give it a try and experience a new level of text-based role-playing!
Dev note: Jurassic-2 models have now been incorporated into the default set of available models in Saga. Select your preferred model in Model Preferences(Saga Drawer on the right)

Edit Your Worlds and Characters

We understand that the heart of any RPG lies in its characters and worlds, and Saga is all about it! We've made it easier to edit your worlds and characters.

Support Saga and Stay Connected

If you love Saga and want to support our ongoing development, we've got great news! We've added Ko-fi and BuyMeACoffee links, so you can easily contribute to the project and help us create even more amazing features for the game. Your support means the world to us, and we're excited to continue developing Saga with you in mind.

In addition, we've added a Discord link, so you can join our community of like-minded text RPG and AI enthusiasts. Connect with other players, share your experiences, and exchange tips and tricks to make the most of your Saga adventures.

Create and Select Worlds and Characters from the Intro Screen

To make your gaming experience even smoother, we've added the ability to create and select worlds and characters right from the intro screen. This means you can dive into your chosen adventure faster than ever before, with the perfect world and characters just a few clicks away.

The Saga - AI Text RPG team is committed to constantly improving the game, and we're thrilled to bring you these new features. With an alternative AI model, enhanced editing options, and easy ways to support and connect with us, there's never been a better time to dive into the world of text-based RPGs!

Happy adventuring! 💛

Join the Community

the Community

Join like-minded text adventure fans and AI enthusiasts in the Saga community, a space where you can share ideas, discuss strategies, and exchange experiences in a friendly and engaging environment centered around interactive storytelling.